Chiropractic is not a treatment for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), but Chiropractic is the ideal treatment to maintain a healthy properly functioning body. Instead of suppressing or trying to treat the numerous symptoms of ADHD, Chiropractors focus on finding and correcting disturbances in the child’s nervous system which controls all of the child’s activities and functions. Dysfunction and tension in the spinal column and nervous system can produce many problems in the child’s life and adult’s life. This connection between the spinal column, nervous system dysfunction and ADHD is common. Chiropractic offers help with many conditions when many other treatments have not helped. Call today for your free consultation and appointment.
Chiropractic is not a treatment for Allergies, but Chiropractic is the ideal treatment to maintain a healthy properly functioning body. An allergic response is the body’s over-reaction to some allergen or entity. The body’s response is facilitated by the immune system. The immune system is controlled by your nervous system. In fact, the master control system for your glands, respiration, and circulation is the nervous system. Properly functioning, these systems react to eliminate foreign entities and allergens. If the nervous system is not functioning properly these systems can over-react to the point of causing suffering and uncontrollable symptoms. Excessive sneezing is one example of an immune system that may be overacting. Call for a free consultation and appointment today.
Chiropractic is not a treatment Chiropractic is not a treatment for Asthma, but Chiropractic is the ideal treatment to maintain a healthy properly functioning body. Research suggests a vital link between the respiratory system, the nervous system, and the spine. Additionally the main muscle used in breathing, the diaphragm, is controlled by nerves from your brain that exit out of the spine at the neck level (C3 – C5). Tension and misalignments in this area may complicate breathing. After Chiropractic care many patients report improved breathing. Call for a free consultation and appointment today.
Chiropractic treats the condition not the symptoms caused by an Auto Accident. Emergency rooms are designed to treat life threatening, extremely severe illnesses or injuries (ex. Broken Bones) and are less likely to focus on injuries that are not life threating but still very painful. Many emergency rooms and medical offices will though prescribe medicine to reduce pain and spasms in your muscles, but these medicines do not affect the underlying condition. Much like your car after accident, your body goes through some structural changes like misalignments. If these go untreated they can cause future pain and problems even if the pain following the accident is minimal. This is why it is important to get a spinal screening exam after any accident or injury. Don’t let these injuries get worse over time. Come in today for a free consultation and 10pt spinal screening.
Chiropractic is a safe and natural way to relieve back pain. There are many different types of back pain and Chiropractic helps them all. The most common and frequent types of back pain some of which can even be emergency situations are caused by structural changes to the body. Facet joints on the posterior or back side of the spine may shift irritating nerves which cause pain. Additionally, above and below each spinal bone are Disc which may bulge or deteriorate causing nerve irritation and pain. Each of these conditions can be caused by trauma or worsen over time. There are many other causes of back pain, but Chiropractic can help. Consult us before surgery!
Chiropractic is not a treatment for bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis), but Chiropractic is the ideal treatment to maintain a healthy properly functioning body. Bed Wetting up to the age of five is somewhat common and usually due to poor bladder control at night or a small bladder. Beyond five difficulty sleeping through night without bed wetting may indicate an underlying problem.
The Detrusor muscle and the Trigone muscle are responsible for emptying the bladder. These key muscles are controlled by nerves that exit out of the low back and sacrum. Ensuring that there are no misalignments or problems in this area are a big step towards properly functioning bladder. Schedule your child’s appointment today.
Chiropractic is designed to treat all the joints of the body to include the carpel tunnel. The Carpel Tunnel or the wrist is made up of a band of ligaments and small bones that form a tunnel in which vessels and nerves travel. Compression or irritation of these nerves can cause extreme pain. Surprisingly, misalignments or subluxations at elbow, shoulder, or neck can refer pain down the arm as far as the fingers. Chiropractic care works to correct any joint that has suffered trauma, micro-trauma, repetitive stress, or any other abhorrent motions that result in pain. Consult us before surgery!
Chiropractic is the ideal care for pediatric patients (children & infants). Where traditional medicine has often failed, chiropractic has offered an effective alternative especially when treating infants and children.[i] As surprising as this may seem, a properly functioning nervous system in a child will self-correct or resolve many pediatric health issues. Even infant suffers trauma at birth whether by vacuum extraction, C-section, or birth canal exodus possibly irritating the nervous system. It is important to have your infant checked shortly after birth by a licensed and certified chiropractic physician. See Colic, Bed Wetting, Ear Infections, ADHD, Asthma, Scoliosis, Growing Pains, and Wellness. Schedule your child’s appointment today.
Chiropractic is not a treatment for Colic, but Chiropractic is the ideal treatment to maintain a healthy properly functioning body especially in infants. Colic in infants is associated with crying, crying, and crying. This crying has been traditionally attributed to stomach and bowel troubles like indigestion. Considering that babies can’t talk, the uncontrollable crying could be caused by many things. One possibility is that the trauma suffered at birth could have caused headaches/neck pain or caused nervous system interference resulting in an unassociated pain. Truly it is hard to know.
The conclusion of a randomized controlled trial showed that colicky infants who received a spinal manipulation fared better than the infants who did not. One half of the group of 50 infants received the drug dimethicone and the other half received spinal manipulations. A 67% reduction in crying versus only a 38% was published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics October 1999 issue confirming the effectiveness of spinal manipulation on infants.[i] Call us now for a free consultation and appointment.
Antibiotic therapy. This may be effective for acute bacterial infections, but many cases are viral, for which antibiotics are useless. Tubes in the ears. Surgical implantation of artificial drainage tubes require the administration of a risky anesthesia and then, they often come out![ii] However, many parents are choosing a more conservative approach:
A thorough examination to locate, and adjustments to reduce, nerve disturbances that may make the ears prone to infection. Our bodies have an incredible capacity to fight infection. When that ability is impaired, it means something else is going on. With our focus on the integrity of the nervous system, we start there.
Chiropractic is not a treatment for Ear Infections (Otitis Media), but Chiropractic is the ideal treatment to maintain a healthy properly functioning body. Ear Infections is one of the leading reasons for children visits the pediatrician’s medical office. Although very common this condition is not the normal response of a healthy properly functioning body. Medical offices usually offer two remedies for this common childhood aliment that are ineffective (useless) or invasive (risky). The first, antibiotics are effective for bacterial ear infections, but ineffective for viral ear infections. The second option of implanting surgical draining tubes requires the use of anesthesia which is invasive. There is also the possibility of the tubes coming out![i]
The body was created to heal itself and defend itself against infection. Ear infections especially repetitive ear infections may be a sign that body is not functioning properly. With gentle and light adjustments to the spine and neck, Chiropractic helps to ensure the immune system is properly eliminating and combating foreign entities by reducing nerve interference. Compromised nerves often accompany abnormal tension in the tissues that surround and support the spine. These tissues can spasms or tighten causing increased pressure around the lymphatic drainage ducts. This prevents natural drainage, further compounding the problem. Call us now for a free consultation and appointment.